Theme 5 - The Collision of Worlds
One year after the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in January 1788, a smallpox plague mysteriously broke out in April 1789. It spread through the whole country, killing 90% of the Australian population. The event is preserved in legend, story and song.
The cause, course and impacts of this first ever Australian pandemic are discussed in the first three articles.
The nature of Aboriginal resistance is then discussed, with the focus in the final two articles shifting locally to Melbourne’s Yarra Valley.
In checking what is historically recorded about the Lieutenant Governor, Major Robert Ross, would he be capable of deliberate genocide?
Is it reasonable to estimate an Australian death rate of 90% from the 1789 smallpox plague?
Did the level of smallpox deaths materially affect Aboriginal resistance to colonisation?
How many Aboriginal place names do you know the meaning of in your local area?